Ways to work together

1:1 Fertility and Hormone Health Support

12 weeks of 1:1 coaching, meeting online, every week, with Voxer support inbetween. Get to know your body inside out and what works for you.

90 minute fertility pathway session

Sometimes you feel like you are on track and feeling good but there are one or two niggles that are setting you back and you’re not sure how to move forward. You feel you’re not ready to commit to a full programme so this breakthrough session would be right up your street!

Dutch hormone test

A comprehensive look at your cycle, helping detect fertility or hormonal concerns. I’ll walk you through findings, suggesting steps to enhance your well-being.

Couples Assessment

Designed for couples who are trying to conceive and have already been told they some fertility issues for example, low sperm quality, DNA Fragmentation, low quality eggs, PCOS or Endometriosis and are looking for support on what to do next. The session includes a review of both your fertility history so far, a review of any tests you’ve had done and recommendations for your next steps (more testing, supplementation, diet and lifestyle changes)

Navigating the ‘two week wait’

A 14 day email series providing you with strategies to make it through with ease. You might be at the start of your fertility journey or in the depths of a few rounds of IVF. No matter where you are, this is for you!

Manifesting a healthy pregnancy

This 60 minute workshop will help you move from a place of lack and frustration to trusting in your bodies ability to conceive. We talk about tips and tricks that will help you manifest a baby this year and bring that little person earthside.

PCOS and your fertility

This is a pre-recorded 1 hour masterclass for if you have PCOS and want to optimise your chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby! It will be sent to you via email.


Here’s Alex’s Story

“Before I started working with Alex I was feeling a bit lost and didn’t know what else to do. I had low AMH and had had IVF in the past but this had failed. We decided it would be better for us to explore using an egg donor. I knew deep down I needed to prepare my body so that it would turn out to be successful.

My goals where to get my body/physical health in the best position to conceive, get myself emotionally ready to conceive and educate myself. Alex met with me each week and helped me put manageable goals in place and helped me adapt them according to my lifestyle. I soon became confident that I was going to achieve my goal of becoming a Mum

During the programme I soon realised that you don’t have to be perfect all the time, it’s more about consistency. I felt better in myself, more knowledgeable and the biggest result was I fell pregnant!

I would describe Alex as a fountain of all knowledge when it comes to fertility and I would recommend her to anyone who is looking to start a family!”

Here’s Emily’s Story

“When I approached you, I was not in the best shape, mentally and physically, but I knew I needed to do more for myself in order to see light at the end of the tunnel.

I read some of your reviews and saw your posts on Instagram and I thought to myself that maybe a more holistic approach would be beneficial for me, so I reached you!

The way my body and mental health changed, only by doing some small changes, is amazing. I have no more PMS, my BBT are exactly how they should be compared to how they were when we first started, I have no more cravings, I exercise more, and I don’t struggle with my mental health like I used to. You also gave me some tips for my husband to put in place, in order for use to achieve our biggest goal.”

Within 5 months of working together, Emily was pregnant...

“Alex, you are like a cheerleader everyone needs in their life, you go above and beyond and are invested in each of your clients. Thank you again for everything.”

…This could be you

My three month 121 support is designed to support you if you are struggling to get pregnant! You receive three months of undivided attention... me as your guide supporting you every step of the way. Imagine someone virtually holding your hand on this fertility rollercoaster.